Cheese, food that is good for your teeth

Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth

We hear a lot about what foods are bad for our teeth, but there are actually lots of foods that contain minerals & vitamins that are good for your teeth. Unsurprisingly, foods that are good for your teeth are also good for your overall health!

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Patient holding retainer

How Long Should You Keep Wearing Your Retainer?

More and more people are getting braces to straighten their smiles, but there’s more to improving your teeth than just braces—you’ll need to wear a retainer afterward. Your orthodontist gives you instructions to wear it for a few months, but what about after that?

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Dental hygienist smiling in a dental office

What Does It Mean to Be a Dental Hygienist?

When you go to the dentist, you interact with a lot of different people in the office, but you’ll probably end up spending the most time with a dental hygienist. A dental hygienist is the person who cleans & polishes your teeth, applies fluoride treatments, takes x-rays & updates the dentist on your mouth’s condition. Most of us have an idea of the requirements to become a dentist, but what about a hygienist?

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Woman with healthy smile

Easy Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

Sometimes it can feel difficult to keep up with your dental health. Here are some easy ways you can improve your oral health!

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Girl who lost a baby tooth

The Magical Origin of the Tooth Fairy

Many children today look forward to losing their teeth & the subsequent visit from the Tooth Fairy, who brings money or small gifts in exchange for the lost tooth. Although the Tooth Fairy as we know it isn’t a very old tradition, there have been a variety of legends & myths throughout history relating to the loss of teeth.

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Eco-friendly biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes

Your Guide to Eco-Friendly Dental Care

You probably already know that it’s important to keep up with daily brushing & flossing to keep your teeth & gums healthy & maintain your oral health. But you may be wondering how to keep up with these habits while lowering your impact on the environment. 

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Smiling Woman Holding Out Floss

The Endless Uses of Dental Floss

Floss is very durable—it has to be to slide between teeth without breaking. That also makes it useful in other situations, making floss an extremely versatile tool to have around the house. Keep reading for some creative ways to use floss in your day-to-day life.

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Young woman smiling and pointing at teeth

What to Do if You Chip a Tooth

If you chip or break a tooth, whether from a fall or a sports injury, you may be worried that your smile will never look right again. But rest assured that your dentist has the technology & skills to make sure your smile will look whole & natural again!

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Strong, Smiling Woman

Introducing Enamel, Protector of Teeth

There are many layers to teeth, but the most visible & potentially most important—at least when it comes to preventing dental issues—is the outer layer, called enamel. Here’s what you need to know about enamel.

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Teen smiling with braces

How Braces Can Save You Money

Many people think of braces as a method of getting straighter teeth, & while that’s true, braces can also help prevent a lot of other dental health issues. Because these dental problems can eventually become expensive to fix, getting braces can actually save you money in the long run. 

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